Learn how to make a sign using a large perforated board and about 50 LEDs. Looks awesome when it's complete, great for parties! ...
It may be intended as a toy, but this gizmo can be hacked for more than just watching a remote-controlled car's video spy cam. This HUD (heads-up display) comes with the Wild Planet Spy Gear Video Car ...
Build your own cheap taser with an old camera and some plastic. These guys even show you the final product's effects on each other. ...
We'll base the project around a digital clock radio and a light gun for gaming; huge selections of both of these are available inexpensively second-hand, with many beautiful and well-designed examples ...
This is a long form tutorial on exactly how to disassemble the disposable camera to make a shocking taser. Make a tazer or taser using simple things at like a disposable camera and some simple hack ...
This is a pretty intense tazer (or taser) construction using a disposable camera and some hard core circuitry. ...
This video shows you how to make an Altoids tin can USB charger for your ipod. Be patient, these guys are apparently learning as they go, but you'll eventually get it. ...
These are two gun designs that can be used with the wiimote. Both are pretty easy to make, and modify. Let me know what you think. ...